Success E-Books

To succeed in the long term you need more than just exercise and healthy eating. You need to change habits in food, exercise and lifestyle to reach your true potential.

This is what separates me from other trainers and programs on the market.

My programs are more than just ‘exercise and healthy eating.’ They are more than just ‘losing weight and getting fit.’

They are about empowering you to become the best you that you can be in all aspects of your life.

Therefore, when you sign up to any of my packages and programs, you will gain access to my e-book collection The Best You Series.

These e-books contain everything you need to succeed in both the short term and the long term. Therefore, if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off forever. If you are serious about breaking the cycle of yo-yoing in weight, then you MUST sign up today and read my success e-books.

The Best You Series

Sign up to any pack and you will have access to the following e-books.

Weight Loss Success: Part 1

The Six Steps to Weight Loss Success

A step-by-step guide to help you lose weight and achieve all of your health and fitness goals. It contains:

✓ The Six Steps to Weight Loss Success;

✓ The first step you MUST always take;

✓ How to become the most productive you have ever been; and

The one question you MUST ask yourself every single day.

Weight Loss Success: Part 2

How to Keep Your Lost Weight Off Forever

The second book in the series, Part 2 will empower you with the knowledge and tools you require to keep your lost weight off for the rest of your life. It contains:

The four keys to keeping your lost weight off FOREVER;

✓ How to stop emotional eating once-and-for-all;

✓ How to overcome any barriers in your life; and

✓ The ‘Game Changers’. Six game changing keys that will make it easier to keep your lost weight off and improve your life ten-fold –  my secret weapon to long-term weight maintenance.

How to Maximise Your Workout

Split into three sections:



During Workout

You will given information and tips in all three of these areas so that you can maximise every workout that you complete, which in turn will help you maximise your results.

Sign Up Today

1-Week Weight Loss Masterclass

Kick start your weight loss (or get back on track) with an incredible week of exercise, healthy eating and education.

Total Price: $997 (AUD)
Current Special: $397 AUD

Transform Me Pack

The ultimate transformation pack that has everything you need to get (and stay) in the best shape of your life.

Total Price: $1497 (AUD)
Current Special: $497 AUD

Lean for Life

The perfect pack if you need weekly exercise and nutrition guidance to get and stay lean for life.

Current Special:
$87 (AUD) Per Month